Announcements including research intern & open positions in our team
THE system lab의 일원으로서 함께 연구할 학생의 연락을 기다립니다.
THE system lab에서 진행중인 연구분야는 Research > Our focus를 참조 바랍니다.
아래의 분야에 관심이 있거나 호기심이 있는 학생은 조항진 교수: 로 언제든 연락 바랍니다.
Recruitment for graduate students
We are seeking highly motivated graduate students who have an interest in thermal-hydraulics experiments, modeling, and numerical simulation. We recommend that students, who are considering our team, experience research intern first before submitting an application since it will be a good chance to understand what we are doing. The research intern position for undergraduate students will be opened every semester and on vacation.
Since our research interests are crossing the boundary of mechanical engineering and nuclear engineering, applications for graduate students will be accepted through either the Department of Mechanical Engineering or Division of Advanced Nuclear Engineering.
Please contact Prof. HangJin Jo ( with your CV and your research interests corresponding to our interests.